Vientiane, 23 January 2023 — The Philippine Embassy in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, held a workshop entitled “Common Threads: Philippine and Lao Weaving and Textiles” on 23 January 2023, at the Official Residence.

Renowned Filipino designers Ms. Lenora Luisa Cabili of Filip+Inna and Mr. Al Modesto Valenciano of Balay ni Atong gave the workshop to a group of young Lao designers and entrepreneurs.

Their talks showcased Philippine weaving and textiles, as well as their personal journeys in transforming these textiles into contemporary fashion and home accessories for a new generation of consumers.

An exhibit of Filipiniana fashion and home decor as well as Philippine weaving and textiles such as the piña and abaca accompanied the workshop and gave the participants an interactive experience.

Aside from promoting Philippine culture, the workshop was also an opportunity to highlight what is shared between Philippine and Lao weaving traditions. This was done by Dr. Linda McIntosh, a Laos-based expert on Southeast Asian textiles.

The workshop was followed by afternoon tea hosted by Philippine Ambassador Deena Joy Amatong. The afternoon tea was attended by Lao weavers, Lao government officials and members of the diplomatic corps who were also invited to view the exhibit. END

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Philippine Ambassador to the Lao PDR Deena Joy Amatong welcomes young Lao designers and entrepreneurs to the workshop


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Ms. Lenora Luisa Cabili presents textiles from Mindanao to Ms. Chanthasone Inthavong, founder of the Houey Hong Vocational Training Center in Vientiane


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Mr. Al Valenciano presents various motifs present in the inabel of Ilocos region


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Dr. Linda McIntosh, a Laos-based expert on Southeast Asian textiles, discusses similarities between Philippine and Lao weaving and textiles


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Ambassador Deena Joy Amatong (fifth from right) with (from left to right) Mr. Al Modesto Valenciano, Ms. Sengmany Vongsipasom, Ms. Viengkham Nanthavongdouangsy, Ms. Chantasone Inthavong, Ms. Carol Cassidy, Ms. Veomanee Douangdala and Ms. Lenora Luisa Cabili


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First Secretary and Consul Rapunzel Acop with Ms. Vanthong Chounlamany and Lao artist Sompaseuth Chounlamany


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Third Secretary and Vice Consul JP Arjona with young Lao designers and entrepreneurs (from left to right) Ms. Parisa Rashphone, Mr. Tam Khounphouvong, Ms. Souphaphone Souannavong, Ms. Suisui Thammamonty, Ms. Arlin Manithip and Ms. Livanna Koo


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Exhibit featuring, from left to right, pure piña camisa with panuelo, inabel blankets and silk inabel terno top and skirt


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Exhibit featuring, from left to right, weaving and textiles from Mindanao including pure piña camisa with calado embroidery (on second mannequin)