15 October 2022 - The Philippine Embassy in Vientiane, in cooperation with the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) in Kuala Lumpur, conducted its annual Post-Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) for Overseas Filipinos in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

The PAOS is designed to share information on the host country, the Lao PDR, such as its rules and regulations, customs and practices. It is also meant to give Filipinos information on the services provided by the Embassy, POLO and OWWA. The seminar was done in a hybrid format and was attended by over fifty Filipinos.

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Philippine Ambassador Deena Joy Amatong delivers her opening remarks

After Philippine Ambassador to the Lao PDR Deena Joy Amatong welcomed and thanked the Filipinos for attending this year’s PAOS, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Jorge Philippe Arjona gave a presentation highlighting the latest policies and developments on Lao Immigration, Lao Labor Law and entry requirements to the Philippines, among others.

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POLO Officials present programs and services for OFs through Zoom

KL-based Labor Attaché Teresa Lourdes Pimentel and Assistant Labor Attaché Violeta Buevanetura, who joined the PAOS via Zoom, discussed the impact of the creation of the Department of Migrant Workers and presented the programs and services offered by POLO. This was followed by a presentation by Welfare Officer Rossana Siray, who also joined via Zoom, on the programs and services offered by OWWA.


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In-person participants with Philippine Embassy officials

The program ended with an Open Forum where questions and concerns raised by the participants were answered and addressed by relevant officials. END.